Tell Me Why

12:04:00 AM

asal la byk sgt yg belaku minggu ni..
ade perkare yg x diingini..
and ade yg bgs..
penat la...
da la ade march test...
sudah2 la tu...

i just want the gud one..
not the bad one..grammar rosak...sowie
rase cam da mase nak tulis mlm ni...
aq nak smbng esok...
there's too many things happen this week...
harap ade yg sudi bace...
and comment..just leave a comment bwh ni...
ari jumaat ni aku akan cbe...
smbng isu x habis aku mlm ni...
bacela wahai kengkawan ku nanti...
I'm so embarrassed ...pain...blank...happy..funny
even there are not a problem...
ngantuk la...assalamualaikum

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  1. kecian aku mendengarnyer. -.-
    anyway, x sabar nak bace sambungan ko.

  2. malam ni cam x le nak wat..tunggu esok..xde la best sgt

  3. wan, miera azman nyer email ape hah?


